Rabbinic Literature

The Stories We Tell and What Stories Tell Us: Storytelling on Passover and Beyond
What are the stories that we tell? Why do we tell them?
Educator: Rabbi Dena Weiss
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Telling our story is something we do so frequently that we rarely think about it. Unconsciously, we choose how long to speak for, which details to highlight and which to omit, and look for the impact our telling has on the listener. On Pesah, this process is moved to our conscious behavior as we're called upon to recount the Exodus from Egypt as if we were there, as if it were our own personal story.
In this class, we'll investigate storytelling in the Seder and also beyond it. Why do we tell stories? How can we get more out of them? And how can telling a familiar story in a new way change who we are?
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Rabbi Dena Weiss is Rosh Beit Midrash and Senior Faculty at Hadar, where she teaches Talmud, Midrash and Hasidut. Dena earned a BA in Religious Studies from New York University and an MA in Theology from Harvard Divinity School. She has studied and taught in a variety of Jewish educational settings including Drisha, Midreshet Lindenbaum, and Pardes, and is a graduate of Yeshivat Maharat's Advanced Kollel.